How to Fix .NET Runtime Optimization Service Consuming High CPU in Windows 10

In recent months, .NET Optimization Service has been consuming a lot of CPU usage in Windows 10. This article provides some background on the service and offers fixes for it if you experience high CPU utilization from this service.

The “net runtime optimization service high cpu windows 10” is a problem that has been present for a while. Microsoft has released a fix to fix the issue.



If you use the Windows Task Manager often, you’ve probably seen.NET Runtime Optimization Service Consuming High CPU and seen it using a lot of CPU. So, what exactly does it imply?

Well, if.NET Runtime Optimization Service is taking a lot of CPU, it will have a negative impact on your computer’s performance, which you don’t want.

Mscorsvw.exe, or.NET Runtime Optimization Service, optimizes the computer to launch applications and programs quicker. In most cases, it does not require a lot of CPU, but if the service is compromised or there is malware on your computer, it may consume more.

In this post, we’ll go over some of the measures you may take to fix.NET Runtime Optimization Service in Windows 10 using a lot of CPU.

How to Fix Windows 10’s.NET Runtime Optimization Service Using a Lot of CPU


Examine Your Computer Thoroughly

The existence of malware that may be disguised as an app or a software is the major cause for this service’s excessive CPU usage. As a result, whenever the service attempts to perform it, it takes longer. If you use antimalware software from a third party, make sure you run it and scan your machine fully.

Using CMD

Step 1: Open the Command Prompt as administrator by typing ‘cmd’ into the Windows search box. Step 2: If you’re using a 32-bit operating system, execute the following command and press Enter.


If you’re using a 64-bit operating system, type the following command and press Enter.


You should see ngen.exe exectuequeueditems, and you’re good to go!

Bringing the Service Back Online

Step 1: To open Run, press “Windows key+R.” Step 2: Type’services.msc’ into the search box and press Enter. Step 3: Right-click on ‘NVIDIA Telemetry Container’ and choose ‘Restart’ from the menu. Step 4: Right-click ‘NVIDIA Telemetry Container’ and choose ‘Properties’ from the context menu. Step 5: Select ‘Automatic’ as the Startup Type, apply, and click OK.

That’s all there is to it!

By executing a Microsoft script

Step 1: Go to the official script’s GitHub page.

Step 2: Select ‘Save link as’ from the context menu when right-clicking on the ‘Raw’ button. Step 3: Save the file to your computer and double-check that it’s a Windows Script. Step 4: Run the script by executing the file. Step 5: If you need to pick a software to execute the file, choose ‘Windows Script Host.’

This will most likely solve your problem.

So, these were some of the approaches to fix.NET Runtime Optimization Service in Windows 10 using a lot of CPU. Please let us know if you have any success with these strategies.



Do you have any concerns or problems with Windows 10? Then don’t worry; we have an article devoted to Windows 10 troubles and instructions, which you can find at Windows 10 Troubleshooting Guide. I hope you enjoyed this article; if you have any other recommendations, please let us know in the comments area.


The “net runtime optimization service always running” is a problem that can be fixed by following the steps listed in the article. The article also provides solutions for other common problems.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Why does .NET runtime optimization use so much CPU?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:””}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is .NET runtime optimization service high CPU?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: .NET runtime optimization service is a process that helps to reduce the number of context switches and improve performance by optimizing thread scheduling. This process is essential for high CPU usage apps such as video games, CAD software, etc which perform intensive calculations on different threads.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can I end NET runtime optimization service?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: You can not end NET runtime optimization service.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does .NET runtime optimization use so much CPU?


What is .NET runtime optimization service high CPU?

A: .NET runtime optimization service is a process that helps to reduce the number of context switches and improve performance by optimizing thread scheduling. This process is essential for high CPU usage apps such as video games, CAD software, etc which perform intensive calculations on different threads.

Can I end NET runtime optimization service?

A: You can not end NET runtime optimization service.

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