Easiest Step To View Instagram Stories Privately Or Anonymously

If you’re on Instagram and you’re feeling a little guilty about all those nudes and videos you’re posting, you can now share your stories with your followers and friends without them seeing them. This new feature is on Instagram’s Instagram Stories and is called privacy. It lets you hide your posts.

Instagram can now let you view Instagram stories privately, behind a locked screen that hides your entire story from the world. I’m super excited about this one. I’ve joined Instagram awhile back, but I’ve never been good at all the features I’m not super familiar about. Instagram stories are something I often use to share things that may be embarrassing to share on the timeline, so this feature will definitely come in handy.

You can always share your Instagram stories to the public, but there are some people who do not want their accounts to be public. This can be for any reasons, but some of the most common are: to protect your privacy, to prevent people from looking at things on your account, to prevent people from stalking you.

It’s difficult to believe that Instagram Stories, which launched in 2016, has developed into a better way to engage your friends, family, and followers with your daily dose of content. This is because it displays at the top of Instagram posts when you first open the app and then goes on to the next user’s material, making it simpler to find than regular posts.

Stories, like everything else in life, have their own set of disadvantages. While anybody (assuming your account is public) may view your post without like it or informing you, watching someone’s Stories informs them that you saw it until the tale expires.

This means that if you view another person’s Instagram Story, they’ll be able to tell whether you did. Is it feasible to look into another person’s story without them knowing? That’s why we’ve come to look into it.

Why would you want to see someone’s Instagram Stories in private?

If you’re wondering why someone might want to view other people’s Stories without informing them, consider the following scenarios.

  • Stop companies and merchants from using Instagram to target you with ads while you’re looking for their goods.
  • Keeping a watch on someone you know, such as an ex or a crush (which is never a good idea!)
  • Keep an eye on a defamatory account without letting the owner know. to examine the product/page brand of a rival
  • Brands may verify their content without the influencer’s awareness.
  • Examine the content of a person who has blocked you on Instagram.

Is it possible to watch Instagram Stories anonymously?

Yes, but it has its own set of limitations. While there is no official method to discreetly read Instagram Stories, there are a number of workarounds available. Your name will show in the list of people who have viewed another person’s Story even if your account is set to “Private.” Both Public and Private accounts will be listed as “viewers” when you click on someone’s article.

What kinds of Instagram Stories may be seen in private? It’s important to remember that you may only view other people’s Instagram Stories if their accounts are set to Public. As you would expect, you won’t be able to view Instagram Stories from people who have changed their account visibility to “Private.” This limitation also applies to stories shared with a person’s “Close Friends” group. Without a workaround, there is no way to view Stories that someone publishes for their “Close Friends.”

How to View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously

If you’ve made up your mind and want to view someone’s Instagram Story secretly, you may start by using one of the methods mentioned below.

Method #1: The simplest and most inconvenient method

The easiest of the alternatives we’ve discussed is to use your phone’s Airplane or Flight mode, but it’s also the most inconvenient.

To use this technique, first check the user’s Instagram profile page to see whether you can view their posts. If someone’s profile is set to public or if you’re one of their followers, you’ll be able to view their posts. After you’ve visited their profile page, wait a few seconds for their Stories to load on your phone. You may also do this if the person’s profile picture displays at the top of your Instagram Home Screen.

A red and orange ring displays around the user’s profile picture when a story has been loaded (or a green ring if you’re one of their “Close Friends”). When this ring appears, go to Quick Settings on Android or Control Centre on iOS and turn on Airplane mode or Flight mode on your phone.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

Once Airplane mode is switched on, tap on the individual to open their Story. You may see as many as you want, depending on whether Instagram loaded their Stories for you. After seeing their Stories, return to the Instagram home page and forcibly shut the app.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

On iOS, swipe the app screen upwards from Recents to dismiss it.

On Android, not all applications terminate promptly after deleting the Recent Apps screen. To forcibly shut applications on Android, go to the app’s App Info (by pressing and holding the Instagram app icon) and choose the ‘Force stop’ option.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

If you don’t correctly shut Instagram, your view will appear on their list of individuals who have seen their story.

Method #2: Make a new account that is connected to the one you already have.

If you don’t want to spend time putting your phone on Flight mode every time you want to read someone’s tale, there is another easy method to do it. This technique involves transferring your current Instagram account to a new one, but there is one caveat. You should not post or have any information that may be traced back to you on this new account.

To create a new Instagram account from an existing one, open the Instagram app on your phone. After the app has launched, tap and hold your profile picture in the lower right corner.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

This will bring up a new popup menu at the bottom of the page. Select the ‘Add Account’ option from the drop-down menu.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

Select the ‘Establish New Account’ option since the goal is to create a completely new account that cannot be linked back to you. 

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

On the following page, you’ll be asked to establish a username for your new account. Make sure your new username is different from your previous one and has nothing to do with your name or hobbies. Click the ‘Next’ button once you’ve entered the username in the relevant box.


You must then establish a password for your account. Enter your preferred password or let your phone suggest one for you (both Android and iOS offer a password generate tool when creating new accounts). Because this is a secondary account that you won’t use very frequently, it’s best to let Android or iOS create a password for you.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

After you’ve entered or created a password, press the ‘Next’ button underneath it.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

Tap the ‘Complete Sign Up’ option on the following screen.


Instagram will immediately make you a new account. You’ll be sent to the ‘Find Facebook Friends to Follow’ page once you’ve finished the signup procedure. Select the ‘Skip’ option to avoid associating any personal information with this new account.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

After that, you have the option of uploading a random profile picture or selecting ‘Skip’ to avoid doing so.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

Using your new account, you may now covertly see any public account’s Instagram Stories. Because this is a new account, you’ll have to actively search for someone’s profile inside the Instagram app to view their new Stories. They won’t appear in the normal place at the top of your Instagram app.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

To locate someone’s account, go to the bottom of the Instagram app and tap the Search button, then enter in their name or username to view their stories.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

Once you’ve done watching (spying!) on someone, you may switch back to your normal Instagram account at any moment. To do so, just tap and hold the account picture icon in the lower right corner.

View Instagram Stories Privately or Anonymously,view instagram story without them knowing,view instagram story anonymously,view instagram story privately,

Return to regular Instagram surfing by selecting your main account from the popup screen.


Using the Stories Viewer applications and websites (method #3)

If you’re not pleased with any of the techniques mentioned above, don’t worry. You can watch and store Instagram Stories privately using a variety of applications and websites. These sites offer unique features, such as the option to save the Stories you see, and others don’t even need an Instagram account to see them. We’ve compiled a list of websites and applications that you may use to check someone’s Instagram Stories without them knowing.


That’s all there is to know about viewing Instagram Stories anonymously.

Instagram is great, because it lets you easily capture your life, but it’s not always private. Want to follow your friends without being creepy? Better follow them back. Your friend also has the option to view your private Instagram stories, but what’s the easiest way to make them see you? With this simple trick, you can make your Instagram private, or make your story private.. Read more about how to view instagram stories anonymously app and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I look at someones Instagram stories without them knowing anonymously?

You can use the Instagram app to view their stories without them knowing.

Can I view an Instagram story without them knowing?

Yes, you can view Instagram stories without the person who posted them knowing.

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